
Dinet will invest 45 million Soles for new projects in 2016 - 2016

The logistics operator Dinet plans to implement its new distribution center in Huachipa and new software for the retail industry.

Continuing with its investment plan that started last year with the construction of a new distribution center, the company providing storage, transportation and distribution services, plans to invest 45 million soles in several projects during this year.

In this sense, Dinet’s General Manager, Luis Miguel Maldonado, argued that a part of the investment will be used to finish the new Huachipa distribution center implementation and for a new software, as published in Dia 1, El Comercio newspaper’s economic supplement.

“We just received 40% of the remaining warehouses, which were lacking to have operations working at 100% in the center. With this we hope to add more clients in the next months”, said the executive.

Regarding the new software, Maldonado explained that it is a technological platform for retail industry clients with online sales, that will allow these clients, as well as the final consumer, to access their orders’ status in real time.

Entrevista del Comercio


La firma perteneciente al grupo Sandoval planea realizar la compra de 26 unidades (entre camiones y volquetes) que servirán para el nuevo servicio de movimiento de minerales dentro de socavón, otorgado al sector minero. La compra de estas unidades demandará el desembolso de 23 millones de soles.

