
“The Peruvian logistics industry is a sector with many opportunities for growth” - 2015

Regarding the industry’s continuous development, Dinet, Sandoval Group’s logistics operator, specified what the logistics challenges are to grow in the industry in the future.

The retail industry is one of this Peruvian company’s main businesses, as it has developed an important client portfolio during the past years, with big transnational retailers, by offering solutions for their growth.

Now, looking at the industry’s continuous expansion, Dinet’s General Manager, Luis Miguel Maldonado, stated that the logistics challenges to grow in retail depend on support for growth, visibility, costs, timely service and omnichannel strategies.

“The solution that we bring varies depending on the industry that we cater to, not every client has a similar solution. In general, we have to understand our clients’ commercial channels’ uniqueness. We develop new proposals to offer continuous improvements and innovation in logistics processes” said the executive.

With a growing demand for logistics services from retailers that have settled in different cities of Peru, Dinet has understood that every logistics operator must be present in every area of the Peruvian territory to cover the market’s needs.

In this sense, the fast developing retail market has created an explosion of orders and delivery channels in Peru, which has created higher expectations from clients and consumers. However, logistics operators must be agile and flexible to answer to current and future business needs.
